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Three Important Reasons Why Your Leadership Should Delegate to Your Membership
“The great leaders are like the best conductors – they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players.“
~ Blaine Lee
Feedback from my audiences is very important to me. Before I start every training seminar I give, I let everyone know that my goal is to make sure that they leave with value for the time they spent working with me. I was so glad in Kosovo that they took me up on my offer.
In September, I was hired by the U.S. State Department to train members of the Kosovo business and volunteer communities in both leadership and membership development. For four days, I held day long programs that were well attended and the attendees were very forthcoming with the issues they face that are keeping them from achieving their goals.
Time after time, leaders in the non-governmental communities told me about their frustrations getting their memberships mobilized. They told me about all the work they had to do. For example, the leadership recruited new members, kept in regular contact with current members, and even contacted those who stopped coming to meetings. They were frustrated because they were so busy with the little things, they had little time or energy for leading their organizations.
After listening for a while, I was able to come up with a solution to their problem and to list the benefits associated with it. Their problem was that much of the efforts of the leadership were focused on the day-to-day administrative activities and not on strategic planning. I suggested that they learn to delegate the little stuff. And, here is why.
Delegating is the process of moving down both responsibility and authority to do certain tasks to other parts of the organization. By doing so, there are many benefits that can be achieved.
Delegating to others frees you up. If your time and energy is being taken up by activities that others could achieve, then allow them to do it. It allows you to do your job better.
Delegating builds bonds. One of my favorite methods for getting people to return to future meetings is to make sure they have a job. The more bonds between an individual and an organization, the more likely it will be for that person to participate.
Delegating builds future leaders. There are few places as good as local organizations for growing future leaders. Delegate to those who wish to grow their leadership skills.
Many of the highest level leaders in Kosovo were frustrated because they spent an enormous amount of time licking stamps and sealing envelopes. This is fine occasionally. However, it is better for everyone if those tasks are delegated to others within the organization. It is better because it allows the leadership to focus on strategic activities, it builds bonds between the individuals and the organization. And finally, it gives future leaders a chance to develop their skills.
You don’t have to be living in Eastern Europe to gain from John’s experiences as a leadership and membership development expert. To have a free 20 minute call with John about how you can get started having the organization of your dreams, call John Today at 703-994.2040 or contact him at
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John Bailey is an internationally recognized expert who helps associations, organizations, and government agencies overcome such obstacles as leadership, change, and membership development. John does this through keynotes, seminars and personal training. He is the author of “Build Membership Mojo: 98 Proven Steps to Build, Grow, and Maintain a Thriving Membership Organization,” as well as dozens of nationally-read articles.
What can John Do for you? John can be reached at or (703) 994-2040
© 2012, John Bailey Communications