Learning from the past is a good thing. Reliving one’s assumed mistakes can only help to keep you from the achievement you desire. If you Want to stop spending too much time in the past and want to focus more on what will bring you the future, keep reading.
Abraham Lincoln said “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.”
What If: One of the most dreaded phrases in the English Language
It isn’t the time we spend commuting. It isn’t the time we spend in meetings. Nor is it the time we spend just gelling that is the most wasteful use of time and energy. It is the time and energy we expend thinking about, “What if”.
Reviewing our actions can be a very positive method for seeing what we could have done differently and how we can do better in the future. However, for many, dwelling on the past and what might have been is nearly a full-time occupation which is very destructive to their dreams and desires and to their self-image.
How to stop wasting time and to begin making your future
Here is a tip that works for me. First, become aware of when you are daydreaming about events in the past which cannot be changed. Any effort spent on this is a total waste of time. So, when you find yourself in the unalterable past of memory, snap out of it. Stop it in its tracks. Break the pattern.
Second, replace the “what if” ponderings and use that energy towards what you need to do today to get the future you want. Make it a little thing that can easily be accomplished without any fuss. Then, do it!
Change your thoughts to change your life
The process of replacing destructive reminiscences with constructive actions takes effort. Face, it, you have spent a lot of time developing the skill and it will take a bit more time to rewire your thinking. Start today. You can only gain from the experience and I will bet you will begin feeling better about yourself as well.