How Do Blind People Put Toothpaste a Toothbrush?

by | Sep 23, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I receive a lot of questions asking me, “How do blind people do…” and, most often when I answer them, the answer is very logical if not obvious. So, in the spirit of answering your questions about blindness and how we do things, here is how blind people get the right amount of toothpaste on their toothbrushes.

As mentioned in the above, I get lots of questions asking how blind people do stuff. This is one that I have been asked a few times and the answer will show just how simple adapting to new situations can be. So, here is to a brighter smile!

Putting the Toothpaste on the Brush Technique #1
This is the simplest method and the one where people are most surprised. Simply apply the amount of toothpaste you want on your finger and smear it across your teeth. Then, apply the brush. No mystery here.

Putting the Toothpaste on the Brush Technique #2
This is the technique I use most often and is almost like how a sighted person would do it. I take the toothbrush in my hand and gently place a finger on each side of the bristles. I don’t crush them. Now, since I know exactly where the bristles are, I use the other hand to apply the toothpaste onto the bristles using my fingers as a guide.

No matter which technique you use, make sure to wash off any residual toothpaste from your fingers so the toothpaste doesn’t get on your clothing. I have made this mistake before and there is no number of office coworkers who wouldn’t hesitate to point out your carelessness.

Like most challenges, getting toothpaste on a toothbrush is simple no matter which technique you use. What makes it simple is finding a technique that works for you. Let’s work together to find the right techniques to solve your problems.

John Bailey is the “Guy Who Sees Options”. He is an international speaker, author, and TEDx presenter. And, he happens to be blind. John has over 20 years of expertise coaching young people and adults with physical challenges on how they can have the lives and education they want just by seeing the opportunities they are missing.

Hire John for your next event. He delivers easy-to-use techniques for success illustrated from real-life stories that will make you laugh while you learn. To see John’s TEDx Talk, go to his website,, and click on the video.



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