The white cane is one of the most useful pieces of low-tech equiptment any vision impaired person can have in their alternative methods toolbox. When used properly, it can assist a blind person to learn about their environment and to avoid danger. Just having a cane is not enough. It must be the correct length in order to get the most out of it. Below, I will tell you how to choose the right length of cane so that comfortable and safe travel can be effortless.
Does the length of a white cane matter?
In most of my blog posts and travel videos, I use a cane. It is not an accident. Using a white cane makes sense if you wish to travel as comfortably and effortlessly as possible. The correct length of your white cane can make it happen. Or, it can make travel a miserable and humiliating experience.
When a sighted person walks down a street, she is constantly glancing ahead of her looking for obstacles and to make sure she is traveling the path she wants. A blind person using a cane does the same thing. Except, rather than using vision to scout ahead, the blind person uses tactile information picked-up from the white cane which she is sweeping a distance in front of her.
What happens when you walk with a too short cane?
The distance ahead of yourself that you are able to ‘feel’ with your white cane determines how fast you can travel. The shorter the cane, the less distance ahead of yourself you are able to scan and therefore, the slower you must walk in case you encounter an obstacle and need to stop quickly. A symptom of a too-short cane is when the user shuffles their feet as they walk.
Having a cane that is just the right length allows the blind traveler to walk at the speed she is most comfortable with and eliminates the need to shuffle while walking. So, you may ask, “How does one determine what the correct length of a cane should be?”
How to determine the correct length of a white cane for you.
A rule-of-thumb is to find a cane that when standing vertically (both you and the cane) the top of the cane should be somewhere between your chin and your nose. Or, about 4 inches less than your Hight.
I have used this method for selecting the correct length of my canes for years and have never been disappointed. I have however been disappointed when someone else chooses a cane for me that is too short. I no longer walk at the pace I want and find myself shuffling. I give my too-short canes away to other people where it would be a better fit.
A tool does you no good if you don’t use it. You Will lay it aside or continue to be frustrated by it. A white cane of the wrong length will not be used or will be used badly. This is inefficient and uncomfortable.
Choose a cane length that is about four inches shorter than you or one whose handle comes up somewhere between your chin and nose. If your current cane doesn’t fit this criterion, give it away and get one that does.
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I am now scheduling speaking engagements for the last half of the year. In addition to this blog and my videos, I frequently speak to universities, at conferences, about overcoming obstacles and seeing options.
if you know someone who I should connect with, a boss or an event planner, someone who is looking for a public speaker for their events, have them email me at
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What advice would you give a person who wants to make mobility canes?