One benefit all organizations have to offer to their members is knowledge and experience.
The value of this knowledge to the membership comes from sharing it freely. One particularly effective method for passing along this knowledge is via an organizational mentorship program.
In a recent post, I discussed the benefits an organizational mentor-ship program has for those who choose to be mentors. Below are the benefits to those who choose to be mentored and therefore benefits to the organization.
Growing Your Organization:
7 Reasons Why Mentorship Programs Enhance Membership Growth
- Increases the self-confidence of the mentoree
- Enhances career control
- Increases confidence when the mentee wishes to express themselves
- Teaches the mentoree how to accept feedback
- Improves the mentoree’s interpersonal relationship skills
- Broadens the number and quality of new contacts
- Helps the mentoree better understand the organization’s culture and unspoken rules
People join organizations because the organization has value. Sharing freely organizational knowledge is a great way to satisfy the membership’s need for information along with the need for personal and professional growth.
Being mentored by someone who is knowledgeable can build strong bonds and enhance the perceived value of belonging to the group.