How do Blind People Climb the Stairs?
If you travel at all, you will eventually have to use stairs. If you can't see very well and you don't know the simple techniques for climbing them, you can look hesitant and awkward. Below is an explanation of what you need to know as a blind person in order to...
How do Blind People Find and Ride the Escalator?
Being able to travel independently is one of the more important skills a blind person can master. It gives them the ability to shop, visit friends, and go to work. On their way to doing all these things, a blind person will eventually encounter an escalator. How...
How do Blind People Choose the Right Cane?
One of the simplest and most useful tools that the vision impaired can utilize in their independence toolbox is the long-white-cane. The key to independence is the ability to travel where and when you want with safety and confidence. And, having the right kind of...
How do Blind People use a Computer Keyboard?
Technology has opened up a lot of doors when it comes to employment for the blind. In fact, everyone is encouraged to develop computer skills if they are to have a chance at finding any job in the future. Which brings up the question. How do blind people use a...
Power Networking for Blind People (And Everyone Else)
Can a blind person be as effective at networking as their sighted counterparts? Of course, the answer is a resounding 'Yes'. Here are some power networking tips everyone can use. Recently, I attended a networking seminar for professionals where Mary Crane was the...
How do Blind People put Toothpaste on the Brush?
I get lots of questions asking me, "How do blind people do…". And, most often when I answer them, the answer is very logical if not obvious. So, in the spirit of answering your questions about blindness and how we do things, here is how blind people get the right...
How do Blind People Learn Braille? Part 1: What is Braille?
Recently, Louis Braille celebrated his 200th birthday. This event was commemorated by the U.S. Mint by creating a silver coin with his name and likeness on it. But, who was Louis Braille and why are we remembering him after all these years? The short answer is, if...
How do Blind People Learn Braille? Part 3: Let Your Fingers do the Reading
In my most recent post, I described what a Braille character (cell) is made of. In this post, I will describe just how your fingers can read the bumps. If you would like to read my earlier posts, they are How do Blind People Learn Braille? Part 1: What is Braille?...
How do Blind People Cross Busy Streets with lots of Traffic
Like most adaptive techniques used by the vision impaired, the solutions to seemingly complex challenges can be solved with some thought and a bit of courage. When I first learned to cross a street blindfolded, it challenged me in ways I hadn't imagined. My first...
How do Blind Parents Watch their Children at the Playground
Like all parents, I wanted to make the playground as safe for my kids as possible. But, how can a blind parent 'watch' his kids while they are running around being themselves? I will cover some of the techniques I used to ensure the playground was as fun and safe as...