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10 Fact Your Boss May Not Want You to Know
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale
I have had a lot of experience managing my career over the past 20 years. During that time, I have been continuously employed in one of the most dynamic industries in the country. This is in spite of having a visual handicap.
According to the Rehabilitation Services Administration, over 75 percent of legally blind employable people are unemployed. People tell me that I am lucky. I tell them being employed is not about luck, it is about planning.
One problem many people have (and live in fear of) is losing their jobs. This fear comes from letting other people plan their careers for them. I cannot tell you the numbers of times my Human Resources department assured me that part of my supervisor’s job was to assist me in building my career and thus, making me more employable.
Many people believe that their supervisor has their best interest at heart. In truth, this may not be the case. Below are 10 facts as to why you should reconsider leaving your career’s future to your boss and why you should be taking control for yourself.
- Many managers are untrained for There is a very different skill set required when someone assumes a management position. However, many organizations assume that on the job training (you as the guinea pig) is adequate for managers to learn the new skill set.
- Many managers fail to be Leadership is having followers whom you inspire towards excellence. Many supervisors simply manage which is the process of completing what has been done before in a prescribed manner. There is no motivation to innovate.
- Managers are often Many managers base their decisions and opinions on reports and second hand observations.
- Managers speak a different As one travels up the corporate ladder, the language used changes. It becomes more quantifiable rather than qualitative. Feelings and “warm fuzzy” language disappears and the terminology of accounting takes over. This can cause a communications disconnect between you and your boss.
- Managers necessarily take the 10,000 foot view of the project. Often what seems crucial to you may not even catch your employer’s attention.
- Some managers let the job go to their head. Unfortunately, many leaders assume that leadership means dictating orders and handing out punishment when the orders are not carried out to their satisfaction. This “Leading through Intimidation” philosophy only inhibits the communications between management and
- Many managers have their hands tied when it comes to arranging skill development for their One of the first “luxuries” cut by budget conscious organizations is employee training.
- Managers are busy people. Managers often supervise several people, report to their own managers, and update the clients. Needless-to-say, between all the e-mails, meetings, and conference calls, that does not leave many opportunities for spending quality one-on-one time with each staff member to review their concerns and career
- Managers may be focusing on their short-term career goals instead of For example, in the information technology industry, staff spends just a few years working for any particular company. Managers are the same. If they are ambitious, they are already planning their next job hop and the importance of your career takes a back seat to theirs.
- Your manager just may not like Managers are rarely given the option of picking who works under them. Often it is someone who already works for the company and the manager is told to take them. So, it is no surprise that not every employee will be in the bosses favor.
It is always better to make your own decisions rather than having them made for you. By taking control of your own employment future, you avoid a lot of the risks of having the decisions made by others who may not have your best interests in mind.
Having trouble making the commitment to take back control of your career? Lack the skills necessary for discovering your untapped resources and opening up opportunities you were not aware of? John has been breaking the mold on what is possible for anyone to go after and achieve their dreams. John can teach you the skills necessary for making the crucial choices in your life. Call John today for a free 20 minute consult on how you can bring control back into your life.
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John Bailey is an internationally recognized expert who helps associations, organizations, and government agencies overcome such obstacles as leadership, change, and membership development. John does this through keynotes, seminars and personal training. He is the author of “Build Membership Mojo: 98 Proven Steps to Build, Grow, and Maintain a Thriving Membership Organization,” as well as dozens of nationally-read articles.
What can John Do for you? John can be reached at or (703) 994-2040
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